Training Information
We have training from basic firearms to advanced firearms training!
Class Descriptions
Watch our Facebook page and this calendar to see when these and other classes will be offerred!

Situational Awareness-Victim of Violence Prevention
2 hour “Situational Awareness-Victim of Violence Prevention” seminar for female school students grades 6-12 The training will consist of classroom lecture as well as reality based scenarios and will cover topics including but not limited to:
- Situational awareness at school, shopping, in a vehicle, restaurants, etc.
- Social Media concerns
- Human Trafficking
- Predator Tactics

Basic Handgun
This class will provide basic handgun safety, marksmanship, and live fire training and coaching on our indoor
range with certified instructors for ages 12 and up.
Course topics include: grip/stance, mechanics of trigger press, relationship between trigger control and aiming,
fundamentals of marksmanship, range training – and more. In this class, you will have the opportunity to handle
a handgun and live fire. You’re welcome to shoot your own handgun, provided
that it is in good, working condition or borrow one of ours from our range rental guns.
- Handgun and a minimum of 50 rounds of ammunition.
- Rental handguns are available at no additional cost (student must purchase/use store ammo on rental handguns).

Precision Handgun
(a.k.a. Basic/Intermediate Accuracy Shooting)
This is an excellent class for those with basic to intermediate experience, for those looking for improved
scores on bullseye shooting. It’s also great for those who plan to purchase a handgun, or who already have a
handgun, but who need to learn, or become more proficient in the fundamentals of shooting.
Course topics include: grip/stance, mechanics of trigger press, relationship between trigger control and aiming,
fundamentals of marksmanship, range training – and more. In this class, you will have the opportunity to handle
several handguns, and to choose one (or more) to shoot. You’re also welcome to shoot your own handgun, provided
that it is in good, working condition.
- Handgun = two (2) magazines if possible and minimum of 150 rounds of ammunition.
- Rental handguns are available at no additional cost (student must purchase/use store ammo on rental handguns).
Registrants 18 and under must be accompanied by an adult!

Church Security
Phase 1:
This is our highly sought after Basic Church Security Class.
The class covers topics such as:
- Why be concerned with Church Security
- Security Team Selection
- Liabilities involved with and without a Security Team
- Keys to Success
- Equipment
- Training
- Resources
- Strategies including strategies for protecting children
- Church Security beyond the Church doors: the parking lot and off campus events
Phase 2:
Phase 2 is the Critical Incident Response Training for Churches includes:
- Use and Misuse of force
- Firearms Qualifications
- Scenario Based Firearm Simulator Training
- Field Expedient Casualty Care
- Basic Marksmanship Skills
Phase 2 class requires you bring your personal self defense weapon and 1 box of ammo per person.

Active Shooter Survival
It has never been more important to have the skills and mindset to survive a violent encounter.
The Active Shooter Survival class will help give you the awareness and skills necessary to survive an active
shooter scenario!
Our highly trained and experienced instructors will show you the strategies and tactics that can be used during
an active shooter situation to help save the lives of you and those around you!
Limited seating – MUST BE PREPAID, you can pay in person or over the phone.
Topics Covered:
- Situational Awareness
- Scenario Based Training Survival Strategies and Tactics
- Cover vs. Concealment Escape and Evade Use of Physical and Deadly Force
- Tactical First Aid
- Live Fire from Draw (holster, backpack, purse)
You will need: Firearm 50+ rounds Holster, backpack, purse, etc. to draw your firearm from.